Monday, March 26, 2012


Im going to be completly honest here: I have no experience with * ahem*. Fill in the blank if you need to, but i think by the end of this you are going to understand. Im 17 years old, and most people are having babies by my age. I dont know whats been going on lately, but my interactions with the opposite sex are becoming more and more frequent. It started in '12, when i went to my new school. Then i met * ahem*, then i saw *ahem*, then there's * ahem* in ballet class, and im just like... ugh... im just ready to throw my hands up and stop thinking about the 'ahems'. I have so much to look foward to and now they are going to keep me from focusing. I guess this comes.. natural? Ive engulfed my whole life into education, i dont even know a thing about how a teenager should think and act. Well, i might as well get ready. Gotta, loosen up the arms, jump around a little, crack my neck from side to side, breathe in, breathe out... yeah, i got this... i think..

The Moms!! :)

The moms came home Saturday, and so did the family. It turns out she had to spend most of her time in bed because of all the knuckle heads in my family that kept making her laugh :D. What can i say, we have a funny family. Anything that has to deal with the throat muscles ( swallowing, talking, walking- yes, even walking) hurt to her. She still has a tube in her throat for draining, and thats mainly where the pain is coming from. And we have alot of support to keep her healthy and active too, but mostly from the brothers and sisters- gotta love em!
I have not called my ' friend' ( ~_~) in a while because of taking care of her, but i sent him a wonderful email that i hope makes his day, because they make mine ^ ^

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cheers to the Frekin Weekin..

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. My mom is doing better after her thyroid surgery, and is expected to  come home tomorrow. Family's coming over, even the little youngins, and we're all gonna eat and hang out. The bad thing is the JW assembly is tomorrow, and they (my parents) wont be there. It'll be the first time im there without them, which is fine- I dont need them anyways....hmph  -_- but its gonna be different for someone to not tell me to wake up when im slobbing all over the place during  a talk. And the chicos! Ahh... los chicos..
Sigh  :]